Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wove, Twue Wove

"Nobody else thinks my boyfriend's jokes are funny, but I do.  I always laugh."

Chlo-Riley stayed home from school today not feeling well.  There's been this funk going around the whole family starting with Topher 2 weeks ago.  It's finally made its way through all of us, including my mom whom it hit pretty hard.  And I feel guilty that I've been spending so much time studying for this huge test (the pass it or don't graduate kind of test) for nursing school that I have to take on Thursday.  So when the kids ask for waffles for lunch instead of the slightly healthier quesadillas I say "sure, why not?"

So I'm standing there buttering waffles and Riley comes up to me and says "Hey mom, here's a joke.  How do you fix a sick tomato?"  "Ummm, I don't know Riley.  How?"  "With tomato juice."  The look on her face when I laugh is very satisfied but tells me that she knows the joke doesn't make a lot of sense.  Then she explains.  "That's my boyfriend's joke.  Nobody else thinks my boyfriend's jokes are funny, but I do.  I always laugh."  And then my heart dutifully melts.  At this point in life, my 7 year old understands budding relationships.  Laugh at all his jokes, even when they're not funny.  She probably lets him win at kickball, too.  

Meanwhile, Chloe is in the background singing "Everybody loves the Michigan Rag.

I love my children.  "And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah… So tweasuwe youw wove."

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