Here are some I can remember starting with the most recent going back to the original line of the day.
"I used to be allergic to sharks, but now I'm okay." By one of Chloe's classmates, age 6, in anticipation of seeing the "shark you can pet" at the World Equestrian Games.
"You shouldn't have to ground your kid from pickles." Me to Rob about Riley. Our whole family loves pickles. We buy those big gallon jars of the huge dill pickles and the kids just help themselves. But Riley likes to cut them up with a butter knife and makes these huge messes, and she'll do it just anywhere, like the middle of her bed. After her 3rd huge pickle mess of the day, pickles were officially off-limits for two weeks.
"Momma would wish for sleep. And for Chlo-Riley go sleep" Anna to Rob about Me. On the way to daycare in the wee hours of the morning, Anna looked out the window and saw a star and said she was going to make a wish. Rob asked what each member of the family would wish for and when he got to me, that's what she said. Those two definitely don't stay in bed. She knows me so well!
"He used to be a human. Now he's a psychopath." Riley to Me explaining about Ponyo's dad.
"Mom, where's Viagra Falls?" Chloe
"All persons under the age of 20 should be transported like Hannibal Lecter." Me to Rob while we had a car full of screaming, fighting, loud children. (Sorry about the link.. Pete Wentz is just so much cuter than Anthony Hopkins.)
"If it's on sale and you buy it, but you didn't really need it, then you're not really saving money, now are you?" Riley, age 6 on hearing an after Christmas ad on tv.
Riley, age 5, Chloe age 4
Riley: Chloe, stop it!
Chloe: You're not the boss of me Riley!
Riley: I'm the boss of this fingernail polish and if you want it done, stop.
Me: Don't lay donuts on the coffee table. Get a plate!
Riley, age 5: Who came up with that policy?
Chloe, age 4: I want a baby brother. Ha! I thought that was hilarious! Little did I know that I would meet Rob right after this and she'd get not only a little brother but a little sister too! Joke's on me.
"Don't put the bologna on your face!" Me to Chloe, age 2, who used to like to bite a hole in the center of the bologna and then stick her tongue through it, meaning the bologna had to lay on her face. Eww! Wish I had a picture of that!
And the original line of the day so many years ago...
"Boy my poopy's tired!" Megan, age 2, trying to say she was pooped. This was made especially funny because we were in the bathroom and she was sitting on the toilet like a chair, leaning her head on the back.
There are so many more. I really should have started writing these down sooner. I'm sure some of them will come back to me and I'll post them as I post the new ones.