Friday, October 29, 2010

Winner takes All... A week of Halloween - Day 4

But I don't heart vampires. I heart werewolves.

This year, Chloe didn't want to dress up for her class party. They had to be a story-book character and she just wasn't feeling it. Riley's class wasn't allowed to dress up at all. I got each of them a Halloween shirt to wear to school. They both wanted the same shirt.

Whenever they both want something and there's only one, they have to do rock, paper, scissors best 3 out of 5. Except somehow Chloe always wins. It doesn't seem quite fair. But it's impossible to cheat, so Riley really needs to learns some RPS strategy. Can you imagine if they were playing rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock instead?

Riley was so disappointed, resulting in an out of proportion tantrum like she hasn't had in years. Most likely because she was still feeling bad from a strep infection. “But Riley, look, it says I Heart Vampires!” She looked at me with a deadly gaze. “I don't heart vampires. I heart werewolves.” Nice to know even though she hasn't seen Twilight she's still Team Jacob! :-)

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