He hits me, I hit him. It's a process.
All kids fight, don't they? When I was little, my sister and I fought all the time and I was constantly left out when my cousins came over because I was the youngest. Today, our own children are much the same and they like to leave out Chloe, which we all try out best to discourage. Don't want the poor thing to end up warped like me, now do we?
Riley and my nephew Taylor love each other to pieces. But they're just like any other 7 year old duo and when it comes down to who started their scuffles, it's always a matter of he said she said.
Pictured: Riley and Taylor at their
1st grade basketball game last year.
The kids were playing outside today at my mom's when Riley came in crying, holding her stomach, showing me how red it was and saying my nephew had kicked her. "He just attacked me!" she whined. Knowing that wouldn't be the whole story, I didn't baby her too much. A few minutes later, he comes in and shows me his lip, which had been bleeding. According to him "She started it." They were both fine at that point so no need to hash it out. At dinner, I asked Riley "so what happened first? You busted his lip or he kicked you in the stomach?" Her very vague and political reply? "I hit him, he hits me; he hits me, I hit him. It's a process."